Saturday, October 02, 2004

It's really sad that i have to do this.

READ THIS BEFORE YOU CONTUNUE. The material on this blog, “nothing-in-writing” (here forth referred to as ‘said blog’) is the writer’s personal opinion and views. Said material does not convey the feelings of the writer. Said blog is for satirical purposes only. Characters and situations mentioned in said blog is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to any person living or dead, any situation from past or present, or any institution is coincidental, and was not intentional on the author’s part. No piece of information or view or opinion on said blog should be taken seriously. The writer is not responsible for any loss/ damage to property, injury or death to lives, or the injury of a person either mentally, physically, or spiritually, arising from the material /information/ opinions on said blog. All fake characters have had their had their names changes to pseudonyms to protect their fake identity from themselves.

That's a pretty air-tight disclaimer.
You'll have to take my word for it that it's true. And it is. Here's why i had to do it,( it is not true) *wink wink* (see discalimer):
A friend of mine, let's call him X, started a blog of his own. It was a blog just for fun. Nothing serious. On it was a couple of his opinions and views. the cotent was rather...extremist. It was about people being sub-humans, and had your usual Nazi slogans like Sieg Heil and also Communist ideals. It was funny, if not slightly disturbing and scary. Kinda reminded me or Eric Harris' web site too be honest. But it was just for fun . Nothing serious.
Then it happended. Some guy that had a stick stuck so far up his ass (see disclaimer) decided to report his blog to Big Brother. And Big Brother wasn't Happy. BB then sent an angry telegraph to the Insituition, and the Instituition sent the swiss-army knife to shut his blog down.
It's a story about free-speech being restricted, ladies and gentlement, and it was none of their goddamn business in the first place (see disclaimer).
How deep does this free-speech restricting rabbit-hole go? Quiet far, actually. I have received reports that FT's are actually looking through their charges' blogs, to ensure nothing "unpleasant" is afoot.
Which is pretty ridiculous. What we do in our own free time is none of your business, and forcing us to 'get along' and 'play nice' isn't going to work.
There's a chance that this blog might get shut down too, but with my kick-ass disclaimer, that's pretty unlikely.
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