Thursday, October 07, 2004

That is not funny.

I study witha bunch of clowns. Clowns. Goddamned clowns.
Here's a breakdown of what kind of idiocy i have to tolerate (the number is parenthesis are the number of people):
1) The "i-think-i'm-hilarious" kind (3)
2) the "amoeba-stupid" kind (3)
3) the "two-faced" kind (2)
4) the goddamned annoying kind (10)

Ok, i won't/can't/shouldn't mentions their names, so i won't. For personal safety reasons, mostly.
1) I CANNOT STAND THESE KINDS OF PEOPLE. I used to be positioned next to one, and my god, my IQ has fallen beacuse of it. These people think that they are the clowns of the world, that the world would fall apart if they didn't make some stupid lame joke that makes your skin crawl. Unfortunate but crucial example: "Wow. That hole looks like Mr Ho" "Hahaha. Mr Hole"
And then they laugh and laugh and laugh their asses off like it was a super funny. These people love attention. They need it, they crave it. They make these lame jokes everytime so that they can be accepted into a conversation. They then force people to fake laugh with them. GRRRRR

2)This kind of people are gems. Utter gems. They are so goddamned stupid, it's amazing how they are able to hobble their way from the boarding house, operate the front door, navigate their way to school, they plop their fat bambang ass on the chair. I wish they would go away!

3) These people make me feel like throwing a chair through the window. they only perdorm favours just so they can get something back in return, provided that they are ina good mood in the first place.

4)These people just rub you the wrong way. Examples are rambling on and on about how he loves to play mahjong, or how much better the weather was in hong-kong land or whatever. They he spurts some kind of little-known proverb, thinking that it would make people think he is smarter than he really is. Or the kind who shouts at the top of his lungs for no particular reason. Thankfully, the latter is gone.

Once you spend an entire day with the above-mentioned people, it's hard not to want to bludgeon your head against a brick-wall.

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