Friday, October 08, 2004

I don't mean to be mean, but.....

gives me nothing but pleasure to see these people suffer.

Name: Josephine
Age: 14
D.O.B.: 21. September 1990
Gender: F
School: Anglican High
Class: 1H
C.C.A.: Table Tennis
Likes: laughter, friends, peace, reading, music, talking, debating/arguing
Dislikes: hypocrites, my class, backstabbers, cowards, fights, quarrels

Okay, maybe not suffer. I still have abit of soul left in me. I would LOVE to chuck this girl into Iraq or Ethiopia or even Myanmar just so i can see her realize that life isn't all My-Little-Pony and rainbow kittens. I would LOVE for her to see the little Iraqi boy who's parents have been killed, and now he has to be a prositute just so he can eat. I'd love for her to see the thousands of people who have had their legs blown off because of mines.
Who the hell likes "laughter, friends, peace, reading, music, talking, debating/arguing "?
I can understand the last part. Who doesn't love a little bout or two, but laughter and peace? What the hell? She's an after-school special, i tell ya.
Just LOOOOOK at the blogs she has linked. OH MY GOD!! I want to VOMIT!
Kids these days, they're so lucky and they have no idea. Makes me sick. And for god's sake! USE PROPER ENGLISH! AT LEAST MAKE AN EFFORT TO SPELL!!!!

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