Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Holy Jewemy

Oops. The above title should read "Holy shit, Jewemy".

Anyway, Jon Kee the snivelling little nark sent my blog to Jewemy. He scrolled down and probably saw the post i posted about him. You'd think that innocent little boy would run away crying, after seeing the word "masturbate". Apparantly not. He's braver than i thought. Perhaps it's time to install some porn to chase away pussies. And non of that soft-core crap. A good shock picture would include animals. Kinda like goatse.cx
Anyway, he might have been abit pissed when i called his pastor evil. He said to me today "I'm not your little Christian friend. I'm taller than you". He might have been angry, i don't know. I couldn't tell with his smile.

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