Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The key to utopia --- Eugenics

*see disclaimer*
And a few other things.
1) Eugenics
2) Gene Therapy/Engineering
3) Telepathic ability amongst humans

The above should be completed in that order, when i rule the world.
For the clueless, Eugenics is kinda like what Hitler did. But when i rule world, i will do it a little more systematically. One fell swoop is all it will take. No leftovers, please.
I will now attempt to discuss the advantages of Eugenics: undesirable traits will be eliminated. Violence, hate, depression, physical weakness, mental weakness, stupidity, linearity...People who harbor such traits will have to go. Please note i am not targeting any certain races. Eliminating an entire group of people is short-sighted and stupid. That means you, Hitler. Anyway, extensive testing will be carried out on the world's population. By the time i rule the world, the human population will probably be around 10 billion. I plan to decrease this number to a humble 2 billion. The rest of the population will have to realize that for the good of the human race, they need to make a sacrifice. Only the best of the best, the elite of the humans, shall carry on the human race. All kinds of traits are more or less passed on in the genes, however, the children of the 2billion will still be screened, and the eugenics will still be carried out after the Great Purge.

Will now discuss the importance of gene therapy/engineering. The human race is imperfect. Genes are imperfect. By performing gene therapy on the living 2billion, and genetic engineering(GE) on future generations, we can ensure a pure breed of only the best in our world.

I will now discuss the importance of telepathic ability between humans. This is probably a long shot, but the rewards will be great. Look at the world now. It's full of misunderstanding between humans. Conflicts and wars are fought just because someone misunderstood what somebody else said. Out linguistic system is flawed. And the ability to empathize and sympathize (abilities naturally granted with telepathy), will ensure humans will fully understand each other, and to see where each one is coming from. And negotiations will be a lot easier.

I will iron out the details in the next post. When i rule the world, it will be a much better place. But please keep this in mind: sacrifices have to be made.
For a new world order.
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