Monday, November 01, 2004

Christianity: The lazy man's religion

Before you start to flame me like there's no tomorrow, hear me out first. I'm not calling Christians lazy. The title just seemed apt for what i am going to discuss, which would be the high conversion rate to Christianity. This post is in no way meant to be offensive. It's just my opinion, and i strongly urge you to read all the way through before commenting.

Now that i've cleared my ass of any liability, time to get down and dirty.

Total adherents*

New from conversion*







*as of Jun 2004

If my math still works, Christianity has about 3 times more new convertees than Islam. Holy shit, that's alot. In fact, the world's largest religion has the greatest growth rate of all the other religions. The question is, what makes Christianity so much more poplular than the other religions? Answers simple: as a Christian, you have to do jack-shit.

Here's a sampling of things you'd be kinda obilgated to do as a Muslim: pray FIVE times a day, fast during Ramadan, make at least one trip to Mecca, get circumcised (if you're a dude), and who can forget the persecution if you live in the USA. No one likes being called a towel-head.

Christianity is a whole different issue. Here's what you have to do if you want to get into heaven: Believe. What a regime, huh? It's the only religion with a god so compassionate and loving, that he'd be willing to forgive you for anything. I don't know about you, but that's a pretty good deal. People have told me that as a Christian, one should do this and that and blah blah blah. That's true, but you're not exactly obligated to do it, are you? You still get to spend eternity in paradise.

Many new convertees are teenagers. Reason being teenagers are an impressionable bunch. Easily swayed. That's why they can't vote. Teens nowadays resist major lifestyle changes. That means that the chance of them converting to faiths like Islam is as slim as CBS's 60 Minutes running a story that's actaully true. Which is really slim, by the way.

What teenager would sit in a stuffy church listening to some old guy ramble on and on about hell? That's why churches nowadays have resorted to other methods of spreading the world of the good book; methods that would appeal to the younger crowd. Churches have resorted to using rock music in their sermons. I won't mention which ones *cough cityharvest,newcreation cough*, but these churches have had their fellowship, especially youth fellowship, explode in numbers. They've done something bloody genius. They've done something no church has ever done before. They've made church fun. They've made it "cool" and "funky". If you're a new victim being dragged to church, and you had no brain, you'd be blown away at the sheer "fun" they had. This is nothing like the stuffy church you had in mind! Holy smokes! You think you'll be a Christian.

You'll never hear rock music in a synagogue, mosque, or even a catholic church. What more could a teenager want? Rock music every Sunday, an eternity in paradise, and you don't even have to move your ass.

Make way, i'm accepting Jesus.
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