Friday, October 29, 2004

I've linked Sesame Street to Al-Qaeda

While channel surfing for porn, i came across Sesame Street. There was some kind of purple magician like muppet, who was no doubt blind, due to the lack of eyes. He was about to perform a magic trick, when he cried out "Allah peanut buter and sandwiches!"

I nearly threw a 5-year-old out the window. Allah? Doesn't that mean he's linked with Al-Qaeda?!
holy shit, notify the CIA, we'll bomb him on the pretense of him being a terrorist. We can be red-faced later when new evidence shows that he has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, and that he was just trying to entertain kids between the ages of 2-6. We'll still detain him indefinitely, though.

We'll find the real terrorist a day before election.
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