Saturday, October 16, 2004

Don't short change me by inverting the image

Are television show editors brain-dead? Do they take us for goddamned fools? Do they think that we won't notice it's the same footage played over and over again, but because it's inverted?
Here's what i'm talking about. The shitty producer didn't get enough footage of......let's say....... a certain waterfall. When the show is pieced together by the editor, the editor find out that there isn't enough footage for said waterfall. What the hell does he do? Well, instead of firing the freakin' producer, her inverts the image and plays it over and over again.

Here's what he's thinking "Tee hee hee. I'm so smart. The viewers won't notice the footage is the same as before, but it's just inverted because the viewers have the visual and spatial reasoning skills of an onion. Tee hee hhee".

A very good example would the be crap shit documentary "The future is wild" on Discovery Channel. I think their animator died halfway through the project, because the same footage is repeated EVERY 5 SECONDS, but just inverted. Viewers had to be comatose not to notice. I got so frustrated, i threw the TV out the window, and it landed on a 5-year-old. Whoops.
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