Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The PSB is still around?

First of all, i think i'm treading on thin ice by posting this, so (SEE DISCLAIMER)

Well, with that out of the way:
Is the PSB still around? What the hell? Hasn't it fallen into disarray already or something? The PSB is for whiney little cry babies to cry foul over something that pissed them of. I need not mention the regular contributors, who make my life a living hell with their verbal diarrhoea. Every month or so, just like a woman's menstrual cycle, these horrible human beings stroke themselves off over the PSB, whilst basking in their own amazingly huge ego. Makes me sick.
But the star of everything has to Huggy-Bear*. It may not show, but he believes the world revolves around him, and that his opinions are universally correct and accepted. If you disagree, he'll patronize you in his condescending voice, then make an cold joke.
Despite it being a complete waste of space, the Union still prizes itself on it's existance, neglecting the fact that NO good has come of it. NOTHING has come of it, in fact, but that doesn't stop the Gratuitous Club.

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