Monday, October 18, 2004

Having the same ringtone as everyone else makes you unique

I have a cell phone. I've had cell phones since 2000. For every phone I receive, i always set the ring tone to the traditional "ring ring". None of that fancy epilepsy inducing musical ones that EVERYONE has. Apparently, that doesn't sit well with some. This happened a week ago:
My phone goes ring ring.
My friend on the bus looks at me and goes "You STILL have that ring tone? Can you be more unique"?

I wanted to punch her in the ovaries. How the hell does having a musical ringtone make you unique? Everyone in the country has one. True uniqueness would be a ringtone that no one has, correct? And wouldn't that me mine? But noooo.......The mindless media drone with zero opinions and no personality outside what the media tells her thinks that unique is what people try to sell you.

You can easily spot these media soldiers by what they bring with them. They are mostly female. I wonder why. Anyway, they usually have these with them:

1) Badges and trinkets squeezed into every square inch of her book bag.
These people have so much crap hanging on their bag they look like a frickin' Christmas tree. You know where they get crap like that? The Heeren, ladies and gentlemen. Where riff-raff hang out. Badges with "clever" saying such as "Watch out for the idiot behind me" tickles these people to no end, and they blow 4 dollars on it. Talk about zero self control.

2) Dangly things on their cell phones
I think things that hang really intrigue these type of people. The swaying movement must be mesmerizing or something. You know what they say.....simple things....simple minds.

3) They are usually teenage girls
Must be the hormones.

Media drones crave to discover themselves, and to establish an identity in the midst of the uniformity that is out society. Sadly, they've grown up with the TV glued to their ugly faces, and when the crucial period of adolescence dawns, they just follow whatever they see on the TV. No matter that Britney Spears is a slut, MTV tells me that she's cool, so i'll just dress like her and act like her to be cool. A scourge is upon our youth, and something has to be done to stop it.

Media drones fail to realize that the TV is telling everyone the goddamned same thing, and by trying to be different, they are in reality, just being like anyone else.

Want to have a mind of your own? Then don't be afraid to try things no one has. Never conform. The first step is changing your goddamned ringtone, before i throw a 5-year-old off the 4th floor.
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