Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Respect me beacuse i'm old

I'm tired of the seniors in my school telling me to respect them. From this day on, the person who says that that to me will get my foot up his cocky ass.

One thing that pisses me off about Chinese culture would be the whole "respect your elders" bit. The point that this tradition is trying to stumble through is that you should respect grandpa and grandma because they've spent their entire lives busting their ass taking care of your parents. I'm cool with that. The thing that gets my blood boiling is when total idiots DEMAND respect just because their parents had sex one year earlier than mine did.

My respect is earned. I don't respect anybody who doesn't deserve it, regardless of whether they are a hundred years old or not.

Take my arcane school for example. We actually have to bow to teachers when we see them along the corridors. It's to show our respect, they say. The school authorites have their heads so far up their asses that they're blind to the fact that such dipshit practices mean absolutely nada. We're made to respect these teachers, even though i truly respect very little of them. I won't mention anyone's names, because it could mean my ass. Just because there's the word "Chinese" in the schools name (not for long, though), we have to blindly follow practices that make no sense.

Alot of teacher in my school deserve as much respect as door stop, and it personally pisses me off when i have to take the effort to bend over when i see them.

If i have to respect people who are older than me, does that mean i have to respect the low-life 20-year-old hobo lying on the street? Does that mean i have to respect him even though he has a perfectly healthy body, and the only reason he is begging is because he is a lazy bum?

Fat chance, grandpa.

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