Tuesday, November 02, 2004

How to increase car sales

Engineer all your cars to look like this:

and not this:

It's really quite simple. When companis like like Ford, Nissan, Toyota, and Honda stop making crappy cars, their sales will go through the roof. Car companies can make their "budget cars" (eg Nissan Sunny, Honda City,..) look like their worth as much as a Benz, without raising so much as a penny on the cost price.

Hell, you can even keep the asthma-inducing plush seats, if you like. The engine doesn't have to change either. Just the shell of the car. Some people might say "But if you have a bigger car, doesn't you needs more of the bigger engine!??" That can be fixed--make the car smaller. Duh.

My point is: car designers should move away from the "economy car" look, and more towards the "bling-bling car" look, without changing the price. Trust me, it isn't that hard.
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